Bidhan Nagar Smart City Proposal

Planning and Design Expertise

Smart City Sector

Bidhan Nagar, West Bengal Location

Bidhan Nagar Municipal Corporation initiated a Smart City Challenge Proposal which envisages retrofitting/rejuvenation/
redevelopment of approximately 1550 acres of the land located centrally in the heart of the city. The vision is to improve the quality of life of the people and create economic opportunities by transforming the site into an active Central Business District Zone incorporating offices, retail, entertainment, cultural and transportation amenities within a well-structured, accessible and pedestrian friendly environment which is inclusive and sustainable.

As a signature intervention to reflect the city’s image and to achieve all the Essential Features of Smart City Mission, ABD plan proposed 8 key components and 35 projects like Green corridor, Salt Lake Stadium Rejuvenation, Intelligent and Smart Mobility as well as Augmentation of Social Infrastructure.

Project details

  • Site area: 1550 acres ABD Area
  • BUA (Sq. Ft): NA
  • Team: Urban Designer, Landscape Architect, Architect, Civil Engineer, Infrastructure Engineer, Transportation Engineer
  • Project Status: Proposed for Smart City

Services offered

  • Selection of ABD Zone
  • Area Survey & Zoning
  • Identification of projects and its technical feasibility
  • Spatial Analysis and Visualization
  • Costing and Relevant Annexure

Project Highlights

  • Targeted 50% canal water for irrigation use.
  • 30 water ATMs targeting the whole population in the ABD for drinking water availability
  • Introduction to pilot Bagless School Project.